Dominican Sancocho🍲

Delight your loved ones with a traditional dish of Dominican cuisine. Get to know our recipe and prepare a traditional Dominican sancocho.

What is called Dominican sancocho?

The Dominican sancocho is a soup of meats, root vegetables, vegetables, and seasonings that are mixed to form a thick broth. It is accompanied with rice.

TimePortionsCal per portion
2 hr 30 min12466


1 pound beef
1 pound pork
3 large tablespoons Sazón Completo Maggi®
2 pounds chicken
1 large tablespoon Sunflower Oil
2 Pound Auyama peeled and cut into cubes
20 Cups Hot water
1 Unit Ají cubanela
1 Pound Yuca yautía and yams, peeled and cut into cubes
2 Chicken Broth Tablets My Flavor Maggi®
1 Unit Bundle of Vegetables
8 Ounces Chopped Longaniza
3 Cups Chopped Green Plantain

Let´s cook!

Step 1

Season the meats with the MAGGI® Complete Seasoning. Booking. In a pot, bring the oil to heat until hot, fry the meat for 5 minutes, add half of the auyama, cover and cook until the meat is soft.

Step 2

After time, remove the meat from the pot, reserves. In the same pot, add the sausage and the water, when it starts to boil, add the food and the rest of the auyama.

Let cook for 10 more minutes, after the time, add the meat, the chili pepper, the bundle of vegetables, the sour orange, the Mi Sabor MAGGI® Chicken Broth, cook for 10 more minutes or until the desired consistency is obtained . Remove from heat and serve.


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